Next Generation Mobile Systems: 3G & Beyond артикул 813e.
Next Generation Mobile Systems: 3G & Beyond артикул 813e.

What will the future of wireless communications look like? What drives mobile communications systems beyond 3G? In Next Generation Mobile Systems the authors answer these questions and others surrounding the new technologies A The book examines the current research issues driving the wireless world and provides an inclusive overview of how озупй established technologies will evolve to suit next generation mobile systems A While the term ‘4G’ already dominates research in industry and academia, there are still numerous hurdles to take before this ambitious concept can become reality Acclaimed researchers from NTT-DoCoMo take up the debate of what type of mobile communications will emerge in the post-3G era Next Generation Mobile Systems: Covers the evolution of IP-based systems and IP mobility Gives a detailed overview of radio-access technologies and wireless LANs Explains APIs for mobile systems and IP mobility Addresses middleware and applications, including terminal platform technologies, multimedia, and wireless web services Discusses security in future mobile networks, including sections on Cryptographic Algorithms and Protocols for XG, Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting, and Security Policy Enforcement for Downloaded Code This valuable resource will provide communications engineers, telecommunications managers and researchers in industry and academia with a sound understanding of the future direction of mobile technology.  2005 г Твердый переплет, 404 стр ISBN 0470091517.

Web Mining: Applications and Techniques артикул 815e.
Web Mining: Applications and Techniques артикул 815e.

Book DescriptionWeb Mining is moving the World Wide Web toward a more useful environment in which users can quickly and easily find the information they need Web Mining uses document content, hyperlink structure, and usage statistics to assist users in meeting their needed information This book provides a record of current research and practical озупо applications in Web searching It includes techniques that will improve the utilization of the Web by the design of Web sites, as well as the design and application of search agents This book presents research and related applications in a manner that encourages additional work toward improving the reduction of information overflow, which is so common today in Web search results.  2004 г ISBN 1591404150.

Ultra-Wideband Wireless Communications and Networks артикул 817e.
Ultra-Wideband Wireless Communications and Networks артикул 817e.

Learn about Ultra-wideband (UWB) transmission - the most talked about application in wireless communications UWB wireless communication is a revolutionary technology for transmitting large amounts of digital data over a wide spectrum of frequency bands with very low power for a short distance This exciting new text covers the fundamental озурв aspects of UWB wireless communications systems for short-range communications It also focuses on more advanced information about networks and applications Chapters include: Radio Propagation and Large Scale Variations, Pulse Propagation and Channel Modelling, MIMO (Multiple Input, Multiple Output) RF Subsystems and Ad Hoc Networks Focuses on UWB wireless communications rather than UWB radar, which has been covered before Provides long and short-term academic and technological value Teaches readers the fundamentals, challenges and up-to-date technical processes in this field.  2006 г Твердый переплет, 322 стр ISBN 0470011440.

Using Multivariate Statistics (5th Edition) артикул 819e.
Using Multivariate Statistics (5th Edition) артикул 819e.

This book takes a practical approach to multivariate data analysis, with an introduction to the most commonly encountered statistical and multivariate techniques Using Multivariate Statistics provides practical guidelines for conducting numerous types of multivariate statistical analyses It gives syntax and output for accomplishing озурд many analyses through the most recent releases of SAS, SPSS, and SYSTAT, some not available in software manuals The book maintains its practical approach, still focusing on the benefits and limitations of applications of a technique to a data set - when, why, and how to do it Overall, it provides advanced users with a timely and comprehensive introduction to today's most commonly encountered statistical and multivariate techniques, while assuming only a limited knowledge of higher-level mathematics For those interested in statistical analysis.  2006 г Твердый переплет, 1008 стр ISBN 0205459382.

The Case for Virtual Business Processes : Reduce Costs, Improve Efficiencies, and Focus on Your Core Business (Network Business Series) артикул 821e.
The Case for Virtual Business Processes : Reduce Costs, Improve Efficiencies, and Focus on Your Core Business (Network Business Series) артикул 821e.

Reduce costs, improve efficiencies, and focus on your core business Leverage your technology infrastructure to save money and virtualize processes Discover the principles behind BPV and the ways in which they can benefit your business Benefit from incremental cost savings, maximizing your business' ROI Learn from real-world case studies озурл that illustrate best practices Understand the solution-provider market, maximizing the impact of your investment The dot-com collapse generally discredited the idea of leveraging the Internet to build viable businesses Many market pundits have decried the concept without examining the underlying dynamics associated with these companies' failures The truth is, prior business models were built on a flawed business case, not bad technology In fact, the dot-com bubble created a whole new class of automation that, when applied to conventional businesses, can dramatically improve time to market, competitive response, and customer interaction This is not virtual business; this is business process virtualization (BPV), and enterprises that don't grasp and apply the principals of BPV will rapidly be rendered obsolete by those that do, being quickly outmaneuvered and displaced in the market BPV is the application of networked, intelligent IT infrastructure to enhance skilled personnel, processes, and assets, which enables companies to improve efficiencies, increase competitive advantage, heighten brand awareness, reduce costs, and improve bottom line revenues Unlike business process automation, BPV focuses on new management approaches for personnel and technology, signaling a fundamental change in the way that we think about business and its objectives While reading The Case for Virtual Business Processes, you will understand why BPV is critical to the long-term viability of your business, while learning how to leverage your intelligent networked infrastructure using leading-edge products andtechnologies from Cisco Systems This volume is in the Network Business Series offered by Cisco Press Books in this series provide IT executives, decision makers, and networking professionals with pertinent information on today's most important technologies and business strategies.  ISBN 1587200872.

Applying E-Commerce in Business артикул 823e.
Applying E-Commerce in Business артикул 823e.

Book DescriptionThis book provides an understanding of e-commerce by deconstructing it into its main constituents and explaining how they fit together The objective is to introduce some consistency to the often-contradictory views about e-commerce, bringing together different academic and management theories and frameworks into a coherent озуса whole It is written with a European perspective with examples that are drawn from around the globe, consistent with the nature of e-commerce This textbook gives an overview of e-commerce, relevant issues and frameworks It looks at the foundations on which e-commerce is built - the technology Managers and students of management must have an understanding of the infrastructure and inextricable linkages between processes and technology in a 21st century business It is no longer acceptable or good business practice for technology to be the sole responsibility of IT departments The book then goes on to examine businesses that have been built on these technology foundations It explains the concept of the business model, the `dot com' phenomenon and frameworks that have emerged as a result It also outlines the legal and ethical implications for an e-business It outlinesthe academic debate about the impact of e-commerce on economics and management thinking It concludes with a glance to the future, exploring the potential new wave of technology This textbook will be essential for undergraduate and post graduate students It is a user-friendly text with case studies, and learning objectives to guide the student and lecturers A companion website will accompany the text including cases, student activities, PowerPoint slides, notes and articles in support of the book It will also give lecturers direct access to the author It will provide students with the skills to be able to converse knowledgeably with IT managers and be able to ask the right questions in order to make a decision about IT.  2003 г ISBN 0761948759.

Decentralization with PROFIBUS DP/DPV1: Architecture and Fundamentals, Configuration and Use with SIMATIC S7 артикул 825e.
Decentralization with PROFIBUS DP/DPV1: Architecture and Fundamentals, Configuration and Use with SIMATIC S7 артикул 825e.

Thanks to its broad range of connectable field devices, PROFIBUS DP has (in distributed I/O) acquired the status of an internationally acknowledged standard fieldbus system In addition to imparting a basic knowledge of PROFIBUS, the book concentrates on configuring PROFIBUS DP with STEP 7, explains various methods of data interchange with озусг user programs and provides useful advice on commissioning and troubleshooting With its practical orientation the book is ideal for PROFIBUS planners, configuration experts and programmers Its comprehensive description of the fundamentals involved also makes it interesting for students and docents alike For this second edition, the chapter on user program interfaces has been enlarged and the overall content revised in line with the expansions that have taken place in DPV1 The new functions and applications of PROFIBUS DP in SIMATIC S7 on the basis of STEP 7 Version 5 1 SP3 are described, along with setting of an equidistant DP bus cycle and the new signals "Status Alarm", "Update Alarm" and "Manufacturer-Specific Alarm" Content: Protocol architecture o Bus topologies o Bus access control o Device types o Data interchange o Interfaces o DP Master/DP Slave o Programming and configuring o User program interfaces o Typical applications o Diagnostics functions o Commissioning.  2004 г Твердый переплет, 251 стр ISBN 3895782181.

Русское открытие Америки артикул 827e.
Русское открытие Америки артикул 827e.

Предлагаемый читателю сборник статей посвящен 70-летию выдающегося русского ученого, лауреата Государственной премии Российской Федерации 1997 г , действительного члена озусп Российской Академии наук Н Н Болховитинова В нем принимают участие около сорока ученых из Москвы, Санкт-Петербурга, Архангельска, Волгограда, Курска и различных городов США (10 чел ), Канады, Франции, Украины Сборник делится на три примерно равные тематические части соответственно кругу проблем американской и отечественной истории, нашедших наиболее полное освещение в научных трудах Н Н Болховитинова Первая часть объединяет исследовательские работы, посвященные истории США Во вторую часть вошли статьи, относящиеся к наиболее значимой в творчестве Н Н Болховитинова тематике - истории становления и развития русско-американских отношений со второй половины XVIII в и до начала 60-х годов XIX в , большая часть которых подробно и тщательно исследована в специальной серии монографий и других научных трудах Н Н Болховитинова как на русском, так и на английском языке И, наконец, третья часть включает в себя работы известных отечественных и зарубежных специалистов по истории Русской Америки, признанным лидером изучения которой по праву считается Н Н Болховитинов В целом, настоящий труд продолжает традицию взаимного уважения, сотрудничества и взаимопонимания, пионером которой с конца 1950-х гг последовательно выступал Н Н Болховитинов Публикуя в Гарварде его докторскую диссертацию, профессор Л Баттерфилд писал о важности заменить `взаимное невежество взаимным знанием` Эту благородную цель преследует и данный труд Помимо своего основного предназначения, данная работа будет интересна для ученых, преподавателей, аспирантов и студентов, интересующихся американской и российской историей, а также историей международных отношений Содержание Предисловие Предисловие c 7-7 Ас отечественной американистики (к 70-летию академика Н Н Болховитинова) Статья c 8-34 Политический опыт и радикальные идеи в Америке XVIII века (переводчик: М Филимонова) Статья c 35-49 Какой тип протестантизма создал основу американской государственности? Статья c 50-57 Libertalia: the Sailor`s Lot and The Pirate`s Utopia in the Early Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World Статья c 58-72 Британская колониальная Америка и американская революция: переосмысливая опыт империи Статья c 73-86 `None is Born with the Right to Control Another`: the Decay of Deference in Early Pennsylvania Статья c 87-98 Slave Counterpoint: Black Culture in the Eighteenth-Century Chesapeake and Lowcountry Статья c 99-108 Идейно-политический и и духовный кризис пуританской новой Англии в конце XVII века и сейлемская `охота на ведьм` Статья c 109-118 Америка на пути к стабилизации Деятельность А Гамильтона в Континентальном конгрессе (ноябрь 1782 - июль 1783 г ) Статья c 119-128 Джексоновская демократия: социально-политическая характеристика Статья c 129-137 Американская цивилизация: восприятие в США (середина XIX в ) Статья c 138-155 Кэри о проблемах социально-экономического развития США накануне гражданской войны Статья c 156-166 Эволюция североамериканской и ибероамериканской локальных цивилизаций Сравнительно-историческое измерение Статья c 167-179 Центр североамериканских исследований Института всеобщей истории РАН (научные достижения 1990-х гг ) Статья c 180-194 Доносы и жалобы на В Беринга как источник по истории второй камчатской экспедиции Статья c 195-204 Иезуиты и некоторые аспекты американской политики екатерининской России (последняя четверть XVIII в ) Статья c 205-216 Early Russian-American Trade Relations Re-considered Статья c 217-234 Где Америка, а где Архангельск? Или история о том, как американские каперы разоряли архангельскую торговлю Статья c 235-242 Адмирал Е Е Тет: пятьдесят лет под Андреевским флагом Статья c 243-254 A Diplomatic Failure and an Ecological Disaster: the United States, Russia, and the North Pacific Fur Seals, 1867-1914 Статья c 255-266 Чарльз Стюарт Тодд - американский посланник в России (1841-1846) Статья c 267-279 The Turn of Russian-american Relations, 1880-1905 Статья c 280-291 Предел допустимого в революции: 1905 г в России в восприятии американцев Статья c 292-301 М М Карпович и Владимир Набоков (новые архивные материалы) Статья c 302-318 `Болезни роста` или `синдром кнопки`: как приживались в СССР американские промышленные технологии в годы первой пятилетки Статья c 319-327 Перипетии советско-американских отношений 1933-1939 гг Статья c 328-338 О переговорах Фомина - Скали во время Кубинского кризиса Статья c 339-357 Загадочная судьба `Генеральной карты капитана Голикова со товарищи 1787 года` Статья c 358-376 Г И Лангсдорф и Русская Америка Статья c 377-387 Два варианта письма Н П Резанова графу Н П Румянцеву от 17/29 июня 1806 г Сравнительнотекстологический анализ и легенда о великой любви Статья c 388-401 Русская Америка на берегах Москвы-реки (XVIII — первая четверть XIX в ) По материалам Центрального исторического архива Москвы Статья c 402-411 Fort Ross: an Outpost of the Russian-American Company in California, 1812-1841 Статья c 412-424 A Kamchatkan Agronomist in California: the Reports of Yegor Leontyevich Chernykh (1813-1843) Статья c 425-436 Роль государства в образовании Российско-американской компании Статья c 437-450 Финансово-хозяйственное состояние Российско-американской компании на рубеже XVIII-XIX вв Статья c 541-459 Дмитрий Неделькович и его записки о путешествии в русскую Америку (1860-1865) Статья c 460-466 `Аляскинская проблема` в отечественной историографии (краткий обзор) Статья c 467-476 Заметки о христианстве в Китае Статья c 477-486 Авторы (показать всех авторов) Александр Чубарьян Б Комиссаров Бернард Бейлин Bernard Bailyn.  Антология Издательство: Российская политическая энциклопедия, 2002 г Суперобложка, 496 стр ISBN 5-8243-0271-5 Тираж: 1000 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Tricks of the eBay Masters артикул 829e.
Tricks of the eBay Masters артикул 829e.

Book Description Ever wonder how eBay PowerSellers got to be so successful? Wonder no more Tricks of the eBay Masters is full of advice and over 600 tricks from expert eBay users They learned by doing and are now going to pass on their wisdom to you Find out how to jazz up your auction listings with HTML, how to increase buyer traffic through key words and озуст how to use photos to increase your selling potential You'll even get tips on where to find items to sell, how to pack your items better and how to ship cheaply Also find out what not to do as the experts give you examples of mistakes they made early in their eBay careers and how not to repeat them Increase your auction income and successful bidding through Tricks of the eBay Masters.  2004 г 432 стр ISBN 0789732904.

The Geography Of The Internet Industry: Venture Capital, Dot-Coms, And Local Knowledge (The Information Age) артикул 831e.
The Geography Of The Internet Industry: Venture Capital, Dot-Coms, And Local Knowledge (The Information Age) артикул 831e.

Book DescriptionThis groundbreaking book analyses the geography of the commercial Internet industry during the dot-com boom It presents the first accurate map of Internet domains in the world, by country, by region, by city, and for the United States, by neighborhood Contrary to the predictions of some futurologists, the book demonstrates озусх the extraordinary spatial concentration of the industry and the continued relevance of geography to patterns of economic development in the twenty-first century Based on in-depth interviews and field work in two key areas San Francisco Bay Area and New York City Matthew Zook provides a lucid and theoretically-informed argument supported by appropriate evidence His book will be of interest to all those concerned about inequalities arising or being perpetuated through unequal access to technology and the factors driving regional economic development.  2005 г 200 стр ISBN 0631233326.


Carol Yacht’s Peachtree textbook is the market leader because her pedagogy is unmatched—she incorporates real-world businesses; step-by step-directions; numerous screen illustrations; challenging exercises and projects; and a website with additional resources The 11th edition first builds students' familiarity with all of the озусь features of Peachtree Complete Accounting 2007, then employs step-by-step instructions to show how accounting concepts apply to real-world situations.  2007 г Мягкая обложка, 733 стр ISBN 0073365912.

The Ultimate Trading Guide артикул 835e.
The Ultimate Trading Guide артикул 835e.

How to Spot Short-Term Trends, Trading Systems That Work, Money Management Techniques, and Patterns for Profit Become the ultimate trader! The Ultimate Trading Guide is your chance to get what every trader wants, but few have: the know-how todevelop and correctly use a logic-based, reliable, and profitable methodology for successful buying озусю and sellingnow In this complete tutorial, one of todays most respected analysts and his partners provide you with all you need to know to develop an original, computerized system that works for you "Can you make money trading the markets with a system? You bet, and this is the book that shows how its done, based on decades of research and actual trading "Larry Williams, Author, Day Trade Futures Online and Long-Term Secrets to Short-Term Trading "Traders at all levels of experience will find a treasure chest of knowledge and guidance in The Ultimate Trading Guide Advice from these expert authors, gained over decadesof trading, research, and study of markets and systems, is virtually priceless This book receives my highest recommendation "Edward D Dobson, President, Traders Press, Inc "John Hill, George Pruitt, and Lundy Hill are the acknowledged masters in the design and development of mechanical trading systems So its no surprise The Ultimate Trading Guide gets my highest recommendation for those interested in the mechanized trading of stocks and futures " Gary Smith, Author, How I Trade for a Living "A well-written and thoroughly enjoyable book It is filled with refreshingly new ways of looking at the market, combined with valuable perceptions that can only come from John Hills years of experience and the ability to see the big picture My congratulations to John for his tenacity in delivering Futures Truth " Perry Kaufman, Author, Trading Systems and Methods, President, Strategic Market Systems.  ISBN 0471381357.

Windows Server 2003 Security: A Technical Reference артикул 837e.
Windows Server 2003 Security: A Technical Reference артикул 837e.

Preface Preface Writing a technical book and getting it published is not a particularly difficult project The primary requirements are dogged determination and persistence Writing a technical book that people can use, a book that they keep on their shelf as a reference, a book that becomes the standard in its class, that s quite a bit harder To do озуте that you not only have to know the subject matter and be able to present it in a reasonably interesting manner, you also have to include the information that people need to know and provide the analysis that experience provides In addition, the technology must be presented in a way that is digestible by the average person responsible for implementing it Accuracy, of course, must be ensured Doing all of these things is not easy It is, however, what I set out to do Should You Buy this Book? My ego and my pocketbook say yes My conscience tells me that the book is not one that every techie will need Here are some guidelines: This book is not designed with the Windows end user, advanced or not, in mind It is meant for the server administrator, network administrator, security administrator, IT manager, technology specialist, or other individual who must design, implement, troubleshoot, or configure the security of Windows Server 2003 or the networks it is used on Though it does provide the details that may help anyone studying for an exam, it is not a resource for those whose only interest is in passing an exam There are no study questions and way too much information on topics that may not be on an exam but that are vital to the understanding and operation of server and network security The book does provide important information and the details of securing Windows Sever 2003; it is not a step-by-step guide on how to harden the server Instead, it is a technical resource, and it provides much of the rationale behind hardening steps If you do not use Windows and don t believe it has a place in your network, why are you reading this? I do believe that if you read it, you may find that Windows Server 2003 does have a place in your network However, I must warn youmdyou need to consider the next statement If you have no experience or knowledge of Windows, you will need a companion book that concentrates on the technology, a server you can explore on your own, or a willingness to research basic Windows and basic Windows networking on your own Before you begin studying the more advanced topics, such as securing Active Directory or utilizing Windows Server 2003 resources to provide network security, you will need some understanding of Active Directory The book assumes that you are not new to Active Directory If you are an expert on Windows Server 2003 security, you may learn something new here If you are, like most technical Windows users, solidly savvy in some security areas but lacking information in others, I believe you ll be able to find the information you need to become well rounded within these pages If you are a programmer, this book can do much to help you understand how Windows server security works and how its security technologies are used on a network It should not, however, be your source for the intimate details you need if you must program security or program securely The technical details you need are primarily provided in the Software Development Kit (SDK) available from Microsoft The sound security knowledge and programming skill necessary is a function of training and experience I would especially caution you that the algorithms provided within this book to help readers understand how technology works do not provide enough information for you to produce code that can correctly implement the technology Programming security technologies is especially difficult to get right and is not a subject addressed by this book What s Inside and What s Not Information security is not a new field What is new is the requirement that every information technology worker emerge from being security-challenged to being security-conscious Those who are responsible for any facet of production networks have a higher calling They must not only be awaremdthey must also be proactive They cannot afford to merely react to the latest Internet threat They must apply the principles of information security through their network This book can help them Chapter 1 defines these principles and relates them to the content of each chapter Each chapter deals with a specific Windows Server 2003 security topic and provides both information and instructions for securing the server and for using its security technologies to provide protection for the network Topics include authentication, user rights and permissions, Software Restriction Policies, Authorization Manager, NTFS, the Encrypting File System (EFS), WebDAV, changes in security technologies introduced with Active Directory, securing Active Directo.  2005 г Мягкая обложка, 1176 стр ISBN 0321305019.

Ketil Bjornstad David Darling The River артикул 839e.
Ketil Bjornstad David Darling The River артикул 839e.

Содержание 1 The River: I 2 The River: II 3 The River: III 4 The River: IV 5 The River: V 6 The River: VI 7 The River: VII 8 The River: VIII 9 The River: IX 10 The River: X 11 The River: XI 12 The River: XII Исполнители Кетил Бьернстад (исполнитель, автор музыки) Ketil Bjornstad Дэвид озутн Дарлинг (исполнитель, автор музыки) David Darling.  Формат: Audio CD Дистрибьютор: Polydor Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2006 г Альбом: Импортное издание.

Real Options in Practice артикул 841e.
Real Options in Practice артикул 841e.

How much should a pharmaceutical company invest in R&D for a new drug? At what point do the costs outweigh the benefits of a new technology? When should you abandon that oil-drilling project? Real options is an exciting but very challenging subject for many strategy and corporate finance practitioners Real Options in Practice is an excellent озутф book to get a structured and accurate overview of real options, their use and computation Marion Brach has succeeded in striking a difficult balance between theoretical firmness and practical actionability: her book is easy to read without sacrificing the richness of a subject that is more and more important for investment decision-making Remy Schosmann, Partner, Corporate Finance, and global head of strategic options management at Ernst & Young Marion Brach makes applied option theory accessible to the practitioner without neglecting technical rigor Any manager seeking a solid foundation in option concepts - and how to profit by them - should start with this book John L McCormack, Senior Vice President Stern Stewart & Company Автор Marion A Brach.  Издательство: Wiley Publishing, Inc, 2002 г Твердый переплет, 320 стр ISBN 0-47126-308-7.

Accounting for Hospitality Industry артикул 843e.
Accounting for Hospitality Industry артикул 843e.

This book provides readers with a balanced mix of accounting theory and practice, tailored to the special needs of the hospitality service industries It gives attention to the unique accounting and operating characteristics that are of major concern to managers in the hospitality industry in the new millennium In simple, straightforward language, озутэ this book helps managers in the hospitality industry acquire a basic understanding of how financial statements are used and manage a firm more efficiently Current coverage of emerging issues and techniques are covered For hospitality managers.  ISBN 0139738843.

The Business of WiMAX артикул 845e.
The Business of WiMAX артикул 845e.

WiMAX holds great promise for the future of broadband communications Companies and consumers are increasingly dependent on broadband and are committed to taking broadband to the next level with mobile broadband or 802 16e, the WiMAX standard The Business of WiMAX offers a complete guide to this exciting technology, addressing the critical issues озутя surrounding WiMAX and its future A The author discusses the need for the technology, before explaining its architecture and deployment, modulation technology, wireless standards, spectrum issues, and network topology A Applications and the market for these are covered in-depth, and the exciting future of WiMAX is discussed The book provides strategy and recommendations for achieving success in such a dynamic scenario The Business of WiMAX: Offers a uniquely balanced business and technology perspective on the critical issues surrounding WiMAX and its place in the evolving broadband wireless industry Explains the need, use, market, trends, business models, and the future road map for WiMAX technology Provides strategy and recommendations to a variety of different players, including service providers, equipment manufacturers and chip makers Supports practical insights with numerous examples and real-world case studies This text is essential reading for professionals, strategists, leaders, researchers, analysts, investors and others in the IT and Telecoms domain Managers planning to deploy wireless networked computing devices in their organisations, ICT consultants, business strategists, systems engineers and architects, and final year undergraduate and postgraduate students and academics will also find this an invaluable guide to WiMax.  2006 г Твердый переплет, 328 стр ISBN 047002691X.

Option Pricing: Black-Scholes Made Easy (With CD-ROM) артикул 847e.
Option Pricing: Black-Scholes Made Easy (With CD-ROM) артикул 847e.

"A joy to use [of] enormous value as a teaching tool for students, novice traders, and those who suddenly find themselves in need of a reference for option behavior "Futures Magazine "The animation is a good one A deep insight into the price process pops out clearly In my next semester course Black-Scholes Made Easy will be a useful озууз tool for giving students the necessary intuitive view of the matter "Professor Lucio Geronazzo, Mathematical Models for Financial Markets Il Dipartimento di Matematica per le Decisioni, Università degli Studi di Firenze "[S]imply the best It makes every part of Black-Scholes so understandable I knew Black-Scholes option pricing model was important and use it every day in my trading, but never knew why or how it worked [This] book and CD-ROM provided me with a clear understanding of the model, and best of all, all I needed to understand the model was a basic mathematical background and some common sense "Dong-Wook Kim, Futures & Options Trader Equity & Derivatives Team, Hanwha Securities Co , Ltd In 1997, the Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded for the work that led to the development of Black-Scholes Options Pricing theory Black-Scholes has become the dominant way of understanding and exploiting relationships among option prices, stock forecasts, and expected stock market volatility Now, this accessible book and CD-ROM tutorial provides traders, investors, and finance students with an intuitive, interactive approach to understanding and using the Black-Scholes model Integrating text and interactive computer animations and simulations that are presented in a straightforward manner, Option Pricing: Black-Scholes Made Easy teaches you the fundamentals of option valuation and dramatically shortens the learning curve for mastering and applying the theory and its analytic capabilities Here is a sophisticated way of thinking made available to those who do not have the background necessary to do Nobel Prizewinning mathematics You will be able to understand easily and intuitively the concepts that drive the Black-Scholes model From making it easy for you to see and understand that "every financial forecast is a probability distribution" to tackling myths about options pricing, calculating options expected returns, and providing a simple, low-risk options strategy, Option Pricing: Black-Scholes Made Easy demystifies this invaluable and profitable tool, shows you your investment odds, and teaches you how to take advantage of them.  ISBN 0471436410.

Semantic Web and Peer-to-Peer: Decentralized Management and Exchange of Knowledge and Information артикул 849e.
Semantic Web and Peer-to-Peer: Decentralized Management and Exchange of Knowledge and Information артикул 849e.

Just like the industrial society of the last century depended on natural resources, today’s society depends on information and its exchange Semantic Web technologies address the problem of information complexity by providing advanced support for representing and processing distributed information, while peer-to-peer technologies озуум address issues of system complexity by allowing flexible and decentralized information storage and processing Systems that are based on Semantic Web and peer-to-peer technologies promise to combine the advantages of the two mechanisms A peer-to-peer style architecture for the Semantic Web will avoid both physical and semantic bottlenecks that limit information and knowledge exchange Staab and Stuckenschmidt structured the selected contributions into four parts: Part I, "Data Storage and Access", prepares the semantic foundation, i e data modelling and querying in a flexible and yet scalable manner These foundations allow for dealing with the organization of information at the individual peers Part II, "Querying the Network", considers the routing of queries, as well as continuous queries and personalized queries under the conditions of the permanently changing topological structure of a peer-to-peer network Part III, "Semantic Integration", deals with the mapping of heterogeneous data representations Finally Part IV, "Methodology and Systems", reports experiences from case studies and sample applications The overall result is a state-of-the-art description of the potential of Semantic Web and peer-to-peer technologies for information sharing and knowledge management when applied jointly It serves researchers in academia and industry as an excellent and lasting reference and source of inspiration.  2006 г Твердый переплет, 366 стр ISBN 3540283463.

The Basics of S-PLUS (Statistics and Computing) артикул 851e.
The Basics of S-PLUS (Statistics and Computing) артикул 851e.

This book explains the basics of S-PLUS in a clear style at a level suitable for people with little computing or statistical knowledge Unlike the manuals, it is not comprehensive, but instead introduces the most important ideas of S-PLUS and R, its companion in implementing the S language The authors take the reader on a journey into the world of interactive озууу computing, data exploration, and statistical analysis They explain how to approach data sets and teach the corresponding S-PLUS commands A collection of exercises summarizes the main ideas of each chapter The exercises are accompanied by solutions that are worked out in full detail, and the code is ready to use and to be modified The volume is rounded off with practical hints on how efficient work can be performed in S-PLUS, for example by pointing out how to set up a good working environment and how to integrate S-PLUS with office products The book is well suited for self-study and as a textbook It serves as an introduction to S-PLUS as well as R A separate chapter points out the major differences between R and S-PLUS Over the last editions, the book has been updated to cover important changes like the inclusion of S Language Version 4, Trellis graphics, a graphical user interface, and many useful tips and tricks The fourth edition is based on S-PLUS Version 7 0 for Windows and UNIX and has been updated and revised accordingly.  2005 г Мягкая обложка, 444 стр ISBN 0387261095.

Credit Derivatives & Synthetic Structures: A Guide to Instruments and Applications, 2nd Edition артикул 853e.
Credit Derivatives & Synthetic Structures: A Guide to Instruments and Applications, 2nd Edition артикул 853e.

Fully revised and updated Here is the only comprehensive source that explains the various instruments in the market, their economic value, how to document trades, and more This new edition includes enhanced treatment of U S and worldwide regulatory issues, and new product structures "If you want to know more about credit derivatives--and озууц these days an increasing number of people do--then you should read this book " --Merton H Miller, winner, Nobel Prize in Economics, 1990 "Tavakoli brings extraordinary insight and clarity to this fascinating financial evolution "--Carl V Schuman, Manager, Credit Derivatives, West LB New York Janet M Tavakoli (Chicago, IL) is Vice President of the Chicago branch of Bank of America,where she directs the company's overall marketing of global derivatives and manages its CreditMetrics initiative 2 edition Автор Джанет М Таваколи Janet M Tavakoli.  Издательство: Wiley, 2001 г Суперобложка, 312 стр ISBN 047141266X.

Functional Approach to Optimal Experimental Design (Lecture Notes in Statistics) артикул 855e.
Functional Approach to Optimal Experimental Design (Lecture Notes in Statistics) артикул 855e.

The subject of the book is a functional theory of optimal designs elaborated by the author during the last two decades This theory relates to points and weight of optimal designs considered as functions of some values For linear models these values are metric characteristics of the set of admissible experimental conditions, for example, the bounds озууя of a segment For nonlinear models they are true values of the parameter to be estimated Particularly locally D- optimal designs for exponential regression as an important example of nonlinear models and E-optimal designs for polynomial regression on arbitrary segments will be fully studied.  2005 г Мягкая обложка, 336 стр ISBN 038798741X.

Сочи Отдых на Черноморском побережье Краснодарского края Справочник-путеводитель артикул 857e.
Сочи Отдых на Черноморском побережье Краснодарского края Справочник-путеводитель артикул 857e.

Новый справочник из серии «Отдых на Черноморском побережье Краснодарского края» содержит информацию для тех, кто решил провести свой отпуск в городе-курорте Сочи Издание озуфв будет полезно также и жителям Сочи, так как включает сведения об услугах, предоставляемых различными фирмами, в нем приведены адреса и телефоны магазинов, кафе, кинотеатров и других организаций, расположенных в городе и в курортных поселках.  Букинистическое издание Сохранность: Хорошая Издательство: ПапиРус, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 124 стр ISBN 5-87472-164-9 Тираж: 15000 экз Формат: 60x88/16 (~150x210 мм) Цветные иллюстрации.

Gesture in Human-Computer Interaction and Simulation: 6th International Gesture Workshop, GW 2005, Berder Island, France, May 18-20, 2005, Revised Selected / Lecture Notes in A артикул 859e.
Gesture in Human-Computer Interaction and Simulation: 6th International Gesture Workshop, GW 2005, Berder Island, France, May 18-20, 2005, Revised Selected / Lecture Notes in A артикул 859e.

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Gesture in Human-Computer Interaction and Simulation, GW 2005, held in Berder Island, France in May 2005 The 22 revised long papers and 14 revised short papers presented together with 2 invited lectures were carefully selected from numerous озуфд submissions during two rounds of reviewing and improvement The papers are organized in topical sections on human perception and production of gesture, sign language representation, sign language recognition, vision-based gesture recognition, gesture analysis, gesture synthesis, gesture and music, and gesture interaction in multimodal systems.  2006 г Мягкая обложка, 344 стр ISBN 3540326243.

Скульптура Манхэттена артикул 861e.
Скульптура Манхэттена артикул 861e.

Книга - своеобразный путеводитель по Манхэттену В ней приведены фотоматериалы и историческая справка о памятниках и скульптурах, украшающих этот район Нью-Йорка Как говорится, озуфм от классики до авангарда Автор Владимир Ханин.  Букинистическое издание Сохранность: Хорошая Издательство: Геликон Плюс, 2006 г Твердый переплет, 308 стр ISBN 5-93682-206-0 Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

How to Read a Financial Report: Wringing Vital Signs Out of the Numbers (How to Read a Financial Report) артикул 863e.
How to Read a Financial Report: Wringing Vital Signs Out of the Numbers (How to Read a Financial Report) артикул 863e.

Hidden somewhere among all the numbers in a financial report is vitally important information about where a company has been and where it is going This is especially relevant in light of the current corporate scandals The sixth edition of this bestselling book is designed to help anyone who works with financial reports--but has neither the time озуфу nor the need for an in-depth knowledge of accounting--cut through the maze of accounting information to find out what those numbers really mean 6 edition Автор Джон А Трэйси John A Tracy.  Издательство: Wiley, 2004 г Мягкая обложка, 216 стр ISBN 0471478679.

How to Invest $50-$5,000 8e : The Small Investor's Step-By-Step Plan for Low-Risk, High-Value Investing (HOW TO INVEST $50 TO $5000) артикул 865e.
How to Invest $50-$5,000 8e : The Small Investor's Step-By-Step Plan for Low-Risk, High-Value Investing (HOW TO INVEST $50 TO $5000) артикул 865e.

The bestselling small investment advisor for more than 15 years! Revised and updated to cover the full range of personal investing -- from selecting a bank to choosing specific investments to making sense of financial pages-the eighth edition of How to Invest $50 -- $5,000 shares Nancy Dunnan's years of financial expertise Written in an easy-to-follow озухл format with hints, bullet points, and step-by-step instructions, this book will guide even the most inexperienced investor through the maze of stocks, bonds, treasuries, mutual fund -- sand more -- toward the best low-risk, high-value opportunities today How to Invest $50 -- $5,000 also includes: a personal financial calendar how to recognize a swindle or scam what to do if you are fired ten sources of instant cash the top 25 online financial websites new stock, bond, and mutual fund recommendations and new chapters on index funds and sophisticated investments for people with more than $5,000 to invest.  ISBN 006008779X.

На суше и на море 1962 артикул 867e.
На суше и на море 1962 артикул 867e.

Редакторы: Иван Ефремов Б Евгеньев Игорь Забелин В третьем выпуске художественно-географического сборника "На суше и на море" рассказывается о героических буднях советских озухн моряков в Заполярье, о приключениях в горах Прибайкалья, плавании по Енисею, путешествиях по Алжиру, Цейлону, Норвегии и другим странам, об интересных и загадочных природных явлениях, наблюдаемых в различных частях земного шара Излагаются научные гипотезы о составе атмосферы Марса и о существовании воды на Луне В сборник включены также научно-фантастические рассказы советских и зарубежных авторов.  Серия: На суше и на море.

Казань Карта автодорог артикул 814e.
Казань Карта автодорог артикул 814e.

Карта Казани подготовлена при информационной поддержке Управления ГИБДД ГУВД города Казань, издание содержит: полный алфавитный указатель улиц города, включающий собственные озупк названия всех единиц учета городской территории, непосредственно связанных с дорожным движением После каждого названия помещен индекс (цифра и буква), указывающий расположение объекта на карте, организация движения на сложных транспортных развязках, номера угловых домов, подразделения ГИБДД, базовый масштаб издания 1:20 000 (в 1см 200м).  Серия: Атласы Национальных Автодорог.

Novell Open Enterprise Server Administrator's Handbook, NetWare Edition артикул 816e.
Novell Open Enterprise Server Administrator's Handbook, NetWare Edition артикул 816e.

NovellA® Open Enterprise Server Administrator's Handbook, NetWareA®A Edition A covers the major components and features of Open Enterprise Server (OES) on the NetWare platform This book helps you understand how to integrate the benefits of OES in an existing environment A After a brief introduction to the concepts necessary to introduce озупц features, the book focuses on the implementation of OES on the NetWare platform While this book is not a reference for network theory, protocols or architectures,A the administrator will learnA about adding open source options, features and technologies that extend the applicability and value of NetWare and how to use the major components and features of OES on NetWare.  2005 г Мягкая обложка, 600 стр ISBN 0672327481.

Keith Jarrett Bridge Of Light артикул 818e.
Keith Jarrett Bridge Of Light артикул 818e.

Содержание 1 Elegy For Violin And String Orchestra Fairfield Orchestra, Мишель Макарски, Томас Кроуфорд 2 Adagio For Oboe And String Orchestra Fairfield Orchestra, Марсия Буттер, Томас Кроуфорд 3 Sonata For Violin And Piano Fairfield Orchestra, Мишель Макарски, озург Томас Кроуфорд 4 Bridge Of Light For Viola And Orchestra Fairfield Orchestra, Патриция Маккартни, Томас Кроуфорд Исполнители (показать всех исполнителей) Fairfield Orchestra Мишель Макарски Michelle Makarski Томас Кроуфорд Thomas Crawford.  Формат: Audio CD Дистрибьютор: DGG Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2006 г Сборник: Импортное издание.

Карта автодорог Ивановской области и прилегающих территорий артикул 820e.
Карта автодорог Ивановской области и прилегающих территорий артикул 820e.

Вашему вниманию предлагается карта автодорог Ивановской области и прилегающих территорий в масштабе 1:350000 Данная карта является составной частью Атласа автодорог Европейской озурз части России Формат: 10,5 см х 23 см Размер карты в развернутом виде: 63 см х 46 см.  Издательства: Дизайн Информация Картография, Астрель, АСТ, 2009 г Мягкая обложка, 2 стр ISBN 978-5-287-00612-9, 978-5-271-24701-9, 978-5-17-061151-5 Тираж: 3000 экз Мелованная бумага, Цветные иллюстрации.

Computer Simulations of Dislocations (Oxford Series on Materials Modelling) артикул 822e.
Computer Simulations of Dislocations (Oxford Series on Materials Modelling) артикул 822e.

This book presents a broad collection of models and computational methods - from atomistic to continuum - applied to crystal dislocations Its purpose is to help students and researchers in computational materials sciences to acquire practical knowledge of relevant simulation methods Because their behavior spans multiple length and time scales, озурь crystal dislocations present a common ground for an in-depth discussion of a variety of computational approaches, including their relative strengths, weaknesses and inter-connections The details of the covered methods are presented in the form of "numerical recipes" and illustrated by case studies A suite of simulation codes and data files is made available on the book's website to help the reader "to learn-by-doing" through solving the exercise problems offered in the book.  2006 г Твердый переплет, 336 стр ISBN 0198526148.

S Programming артикул 824e.
S Programming артикул 824e.

S is a high-level language for manipulating, analysing and displaying data It forms the basis of two highly acclaimed and widely used data analysis software systems, the commercial S-PLUS(R) and the Open Source R This book provides an in-depth guide to writing software in the S language under either or both of those systems It is intended for readers озусв who have some acquaintance with S language and want to know how to use it more effectively, for example to build re-usable tools for streamlining routine data analysis or to implement new statistical methods One ofhe most outstanding strengths of the S language is the ease with which it can be extended by users S is a functional language, and functions written by users are first-class objects treated in the same way as functions provided by the system S code is eminently readable and so a good way to document precisely what algorithms were used, and as much of the implementations are themselves written in S, they can be studied as models and to understand their subtleties The current implementations also provide easy ways for S functions to call compiled code written in C, Fortran and similar languages; this is documented here in depth Increasingly S is being used for statistical or graphical analysis within larger software systems or for whole vertical-market applications The interface facilities are most developed on Windows(R) and these are covered with worked examples The authors have written the widely adopted 'Modern Applied Statistics with S-PLUS', now in its third edition, and several software libraries that enhance S-PLUS and R; these and the examples used in both books are available on the Internet Dr W N Venables is a senior Statistician with the CSIRO/CMIS Environmentrics Project in Autralia, having been at the Department of Statistics, University of Adelaide for many years previously Professor B D Ripley holds the Chair of Applied Statistics at the University of Oxford, and is the author of four other books on spatial statistics, simulation, pattern recognition and neural networks Both authors are known and respected thorughout the international S and R communities, for their books, workshops, short courses, freely available software and through their extensive contributions to the S-news and R mailing lists.  2004 г Твердый переплет, 400 стр ISBN 0387989668.

E-Teaching: Creating Web Sites and Student Web Portfolios Using Microsoft Powerpoint (Technology and Its Application) артикул 826e.
E-Teaching: Creating Web Sites and Student Web Portfolios Using Microsoft Powerpoint (Technology and Its Application) артикул 826e.

Book DescriptionConquer the Internet and energize your students' imaginations! To keep up in today's learning electronic environment, you've got to be Internet savvy This step-by-step guide will help you and your students get a Web knowledge of Web design Part One focuses on web design for teachers using Microsoft PowerPoint, while Part Two озусл provides information on assisting students in creating their own Web sites to use as electronic portfolios.  2003 г 128 стр ISBN 1586831291.

Statistical Techniques for Data Analysis, Second Edition артикул 828e.
Statistical Techniques for Data Analysis, Second Edition артикул 828e.

Today, researchers in every area of applied science have access to the statistical techniques and technology they need to analyze data All they need is practical guidance on using those techniques This new edition provides straightforward discussion of basic statistical techniques and computer analysis The purpose, structure, and principles озусс remain the same as the successful first edition, but the treatment now includes updates in every chapter, additional topics such as proportions, time-to-event and time series date, and critical values Most importantly, the author now incorporates an introduction to MINITAB Statistical Software and uses it in examples throughout the book.  2004 г Твердый переплет, 296 стр ISBN 1584883855.

SPSS 14 0 Advanced Statistical Procedures Companion артикул 830e.
SPSS 14 0 Advanced Statistical Procedures Companion артикул 830e.

A statistical procedure is not like a sausage: you want to know its contents; you want to know the types of questions it can be used to answer and the types of data for which it is appropriate The goal of the SPSS 14 0 Advanced Stastical Procedures Companion is to provide you with background information and examples for statistical procedures in the SPSS озусф Advanced and Regression Models modules It aims to make it less likely that you will succumb to the siren song of melodic statistal procedure names and unleashes a disastrous assault on a mutely suffering data file.  2005 г Мягкая обложка, 366 стр ISBN 0131747002.

JMP for Basic Univariate and Multivariate Statistics: A Step-by-step Guide артикул 832e.
JMP for Basic Univariate and Multivariate Statistics: A Step-by-step Guide артикул 832e.

Doing statistics in JMP has never been easier! Learn how to manage JMP data and perform the statistical analyses most commonly used in research in the social sciences and other fields with JMP for Basic Univariate and Multivariate Statistics: A Step-by-Step Guide Clearly written instructions guide you through the basic concepts of research and озусщ data analysis, enabling you to easily perform statistical analyses and solve problems in real-world research Step by step, you'll discover how to obtain descriptive and inferential statistics, summarize results, perform a wide range of JMP analyses, interpret the results, and more Topics include: screening data for errors and selecting subsets with the JMP Distribution platform, computing the coefficient alpha reliability index (Cronbach's alpha) for a multiple-item scale, performing bivariate anlayses for all types of variables, performing a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), performing a multiple regression, and using the JMP Fit Model platform to perform a one-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) This user-friendly book introduces researchers and students of the social sciences to JMP and to elementary statistical procedures, while more advanced statistical procedures that are presented make it an invaluable reference guide for experienced researchers as well.  2005 г Мягкая обложка, 481 стр ISBN 1590475763.

Computer Security Assurance артикул 834e.
Computer Security Assurance артикул 834e.

Written in a friendly and easy-to-understand tone, Computer Security Assurance Using the Common Criteria helps readers navigate through all the activities within the Common Criteria (CC) that have gained the attention of the security community and will revolutionize how people compare, select, purchase, and maintain security systems Practical озусэ examples aimed at deciphering the contents and activities within the CC help build an understanding that places readers on a path to real-world security assurance applications Up-to-date coverage explains IT security assurance methodologies and the activities within any of the CC-defined user roles that are necessary for high quality and proven secure IT software and hardware.  2004 г Мягкая обложка, 304 стр ISBN 1401862659.

Experimental Research in Evolutionary Computation: The New Experimentalism (Natural Computing Series) артикул 836e.
Experimental Research in Evolutionary Computation: The New Experimentalism (Natural Computing Series) артикул 836e.

Experimentation is necessary - a purely theoretical approach is not reasonable The new experimentalism, a development in the modern philosophy of science, considers that an experiment can have a life of its own It provides a statistical methodology to learn from experiments, where the experimenter should distinguish between statistical significance озуся and scientific meaning This book introduces the new experimentalism in evolutionary computation, providing tools to understand algorithms and programs and their interaction with optimization problems The book develops and applies statistical techniques to analyze and compare modern search heuristics such as evolutionary algorithms and particle swarm optimization Treating optimization runs as experiments, the author offers methods for solving complex real-world problems that involve optimization via simulation, and he describes successful applications in engineering and industrial control projects The book bridges the gap between theory and experiment by providing a self-contained experimental methodology and many examples, so it is suitable for practitioners and researchers and also for lecturers and students It summarizes results from the author's consulting to industry and his experience teaching university courses and conducting tutorials at international conferences The book will be supported online with downloads and exercises.  2006 г Твердый переплет, 214 стр ISBN 3540320261.

201 Interview Questions: SAP Business Warehouse Information артикул 838e.
201 Interview Questions: SAP Business Warehouse Information артикул 838e.

Finding SAP talent has become more difficult and time consuming than ever before Buzz words are everywhere, but don't be fooled, a persons true understanding of the subject can be unlocked by using this guide The book contains a wide variety of carefully worded questions that are designed to help you determine the best qualified candidates available озутл today The questions are concise and to the point, so are the answers; this allows the candidate to answer and provide the employer an in-depth understanding of whether the candidate can cut through the "fluff" and get the job done This is not only for employers This will allow consultants or analysts to better prepare for the dream job and set them apart from the crowd Self confidence and knowledge are the two most common traits employers seek in potential candidates This book allows you to refine both Whether you are an analyst seeking a permanent position or a consultant looking for your next project, this book allows you to impress the future employer with a clear understanding and self confidence expected from a subject matter expert.  2006 г Мягкая обложка, 156 стр ISBN 0977725103.

Software Agent-Based Applications, Platforms and Development Kits (Whitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies) артикул 840e.
Software Agent-Based Applications, Platforms and Development Kits (Whitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies) артикул 840e.

This book introduces major agent platforms, frameworks, systems, tools, and applications Each system is described by their developers in sufficient detail so that the reader can get a good understanding of the architecture, functionality, and application areas of the system All systems are running systems One main focus of the book lies on agent озуту platforms and toolkits They form the basis for the development of agent-based systems, thus, are a convenient starting point for everybody who wants to apply agent technology Another focus lies on agent-based applications These systems prove that agent technology is mature enough to permit the development of sophisticated applications, like electronic marketplaces, environments for computer-supported cooperative work, or transportation systems.  2005 г Мягкая обложка, 448 стр ISBN 3764373474.

Elementary Mathematical and Computational Tools for Electrical and Computer Engineers Using Matlab, Second Edition артикул 842e.
Elementary Mathematical and Computational Tools for Electrical and Computer Engineers Using Matlab, Second Edition артикул 842e.

Updated to conform to MATLAB 7 1, Elementary Mathematical and Computational Tools for Electrical and Computer Engineers Using MATLABA®, Second Edition discusses the practical tools of mathematics, covering numerical techniques of elementary calculus and linear algebra, difference equations, complex variables, transformation theory, озуты and probability theory This second edition features a new appendix on symbolic manipulation with MATLAB, an expanded introductory chapter that reduces the need to refer to MATLAB online help or user manuals, and special advanced sections for students and professionals looking for more challenging material It also includes numerous exercises and examples that offer a glimpse into problems encountered in engineering practice.  2006 г Твердый переплет, 457 стр ISBN 0849374251.

Configuring CallManager and Unity: A Step-by-Step Guide артикул 844e.
Configuring CallManager and Unity: A Step-by-Step Guide артикул 844e.

An indispensable step-by-step configuration guide for IP Telephony professionalsA Includes step-by-step configuration instructions for CallManager features and Unity administration tasks Demonstrates how to deploy devices and implement your dial plan Covers Call Admission Control features and class of service Examines different subscriber озутю types and how subscribers are added, imported, and managed Includes step-by-step instructions for call handling and auto attendant configuration Describes how to use Unity and CallManager together to deliver unique features To properly deploy any type of technology, networking professionals must understand not only the technology but also how to configure and integrate it with other solutions That’s the key to Configuring CallManager and Unity–it focuses on the configuration issues associated with CallManager and UnityA® deployments while ensuring that you understand the technologies behind your deployment A Configuring CallManager and Unity includes step-by-step guides that system administrators and other networking professionals can use in the field These step-by-step instructions have been worked out by an author who has both taught and implemented CiscoA® solutions in real-world situations, so coverage is comprehensive for both basic and complex implementations You will find information that will assist in the configuration of CallManager-related tasks, such as device configuration, gateway implementation, and dial-plan creation to name a few You will also find Unity-related configuration tasks, ranging from the basics, such as holiday and schedule configuration, to more involved tasks, such as Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) networking implementation In addition to covering Unity and CallManager tasks, this book includes a chapter on leveraging the capabilities of both systems to create integrated solutions, such as a MeetMe conference manager A Tasks in Configuring CallManager and Unity are organized in the same order you would naturally perform them, and some tasks are cross-referenced with other required tasks for easy reference You learn not only how to configure CallManager and Unity but also how to create a more feature-rich environment by leveraging CallManager and Unity features Regardless of your specific needs, you’ll find Configuring CallManager and Unity to be a timesaving tool when performing common or complicated configuration tasks A A This IP communications book is part of the Cisco PressA® Networking Technology Series IP communications titles from Cisco Press help networking professionals understand voice and IP telephony technologies, plan and design converged networks, and implement network solutions for increased productivity A A .  Издательство: Cisco Press, 2005 г Твердый переплет, 576 стр ISBN 1587051966.

2005 Original Pronouncements (Accounting Standards Original Pronouncements; 3-Volume Set) артикул 846e.
2005 Original Pronouncements (Accounting Standards Original Pronouncements; 3-Volume Set) артикул 846e.

Book DescriptionThe 2005 FASB Accounting Standards publications give accounting professionals and financial executives a complete source of the current authoritative accounting pronouncements issued by the FASB and its predecessors ORIGINAL PRONOUNCEMNTS The 2005 Original Pronouncements contains the FASB and AICPA pronouncements озууг in three volumes: * Original Pronouncements: Volume I-FASB Statements 1-120 (0-471-73791-7) * Original Pronouncements: Volume II- FASB Statements 121-154 (0-471-73791-7) * Original Pronouncements: Volume III-AICPA Pronouncements and FASB Interpretations, Technical Bulletins, FASB Staff Positions, and Concepts Statements (0-471-73791-7) Features * All Pronouncements amended by subsequent pronouncements reflect those amendments * New in 2005-includes all current FASB Staff Positions * Status pages before each pronouncement identify sources of changes and other pronouncements affected by that pronouncement Completely superseded Pronouncements that may no longer be applied are omitted, and status pages are retained for these omitted pronouncements * EITF Issues and AICPA Accounting Standards Executive committee (AcSEC) Statements of Position and Practice Bulletins are cross-referenced on applicable status pages * Separate appendixes identify amended paragraphs, effective dates for all pronouncements, and topics discussed by the FASB Emerging Issues Takes Force (EITF) * Volume III contains the appendixes and a topical index to material in the Original Pronouncements and Current Text volumes EITF Issues, and the FASB's question-and-answer Special Reports and FASB Staff Positions CURRENT TEXT The 2005 Current Text is an integration of financial accounting and reporting standards arranged by topic for General and Industry Standards and includes all currently effective (as of June 1, 2005) FASB Statements, Interpretations, and Technical Bulletins and AICPA APB Opinions, Interpretations, and Accounting Research Bulletins in two volumes: * Current Text Volume I- General Standards-Sections A06 to N35 (0-471-73789-5) * Current Text: Volume II: General Standards-Sections P16 to V18 and Industry Standards (0-471-73789-5 Features * Arranged alphabetically by topics for easy reference * EITF Issues are listed by topic and where applicable linked to specific paragraphs * AICPA AcSEC Statements of Position and Practice Bulletins are listed by topic where applicable * FASB's questions-and-answer Special Reports and FASB Staff Positions are included by topic * Links current Text paragraphs to the Original Pronouncements in a Volume II appendix * Contains the appendixes and topical index as described above for Volume III of Original Pronouncements.  2005 г ISBN 0471737917.

Data Analysis and Graphics Using R: An Example-based Approach (Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics) артикул 848e.
Data Analysis and Graphics Using R: An Example-based Approach (Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics) артикул 848e.

Join the revolution ignited by the ground-breaking R system! Starting with an introduction to R, covering standard regression methods, then presenting more advanced topics, this book guides users through the practical and powerful tools that the R system provides The emphasis is on hands-on analysis, graphical display and interpretation озуук of data The many worked examples, taken from real-world research, are accompanied by commentary on what is done and why A website provides computer code and data sets, allowing readers to reproduce all analyses Updates and solutions to selected exercises are also available Assuming only basic statistical knowledge, the book is ideal for research scientists, final-year undergraduate or graduate level students of applied statistics, and practising statisticians It is both for learning and for reference This revised edition reflects changes in R since 2003 and has new material on survival analysis, random coefficient models, and the handling of high-dimensional data.  2006 г Твердый переплет, 528 стр ISBN 0521861160.

Accounting 1-18 and Integrator CD (6th Edition) артикул 850e.
Accounting 1-18 and Integrator CD (6th Edition) артикул 850e.

Book Description This book introduces readers to all of the key financial and management accounting concepts It motivates learners by familiarizing them with the accounting issues facing companies such as Target, Nantucket Nectars, Teva, Oracle, and a variety of companies doing e-Business Users can assess their understanding of chapter topics озуут with CyberCoach and Starter Exercise features, Working It Out problems, and unique Concept Links For individuals preparing for a career in accounting.  2004 г ISBN 0131456199.

Accounting Information Systems артикул 852e.
Accounting Information Systems артикул 852e.

Hurt's Accounting Information Systems takes a fresh new approach that puts judgment and critical thinking, not technology, at the heart of the AIS course Using a conversational writing style appealing to students, Hurt presents AIS as an art as much as a science: students learn that many situations may have more than one “correct” response, озууф and that their own creativity and judgment are their best assets in dealing with AIS issues The book's content is also unique, merging the traditional topics such as transaction cycles, internal controls and systems documentation with cutting-edge coverage of ASPs, computer crime, and an overview of auditing The text, end-of-chapter exercises and assessment tools are all competency-based, distilling knowledge to its essential elements and then encouraging students to use those essential elements to think for themselves.  2007 г Твердый переплет, 368 стр ISBN 0073195553.

The Joy of Text: Mating, Dating, and Techno-Relating артикул 854e.
The Joy of Text: Mating, Dating, and Techno-Relating артикул 854e.

Finally, the software gods have rescued us from our stalled, confused love lives by giving us so many new ways to meet, connect, and share what we want, feel, and mean Or have they? Dating has never been simple, but in an age of IMs, text messages, e-mails, and BlackBerry notes, it can be an absolute minefield How can you accurately judge a guy's potential озуую when all you have to go on is his punctuation? What's the best way to maintain your witty, sassy rapport once you've decided to leave the safety of techno-anonymity and take your relationship off-line? When do you remedy a techno-gaffe or know if it's too early to hit send? And how can you gauge his feelings without seeing his body language or even hearing his voice? Enough is enough In The Joy of Text, real-life cyber-Cyrano Kristina Grish establishes hard and fast rules to help modern women navigate their love lives via technology; offers invaluable tips on how to analyze text, timing, and tone; and provides advice on etiquette in an age when the handwritten thank-you note is all but obsolete.  2006 г Мягкая обложка, 176 стр ISBN 1416918973.

Technical Analysis артикул 856e.
Technical Analysis артикул 856e.

The definitive guide to technical analysis written from a trader's perspective With the keen insight and perspective that have made him a market legend, Jack D Schwager explores, explains, and examines the application of technical analysis in futures trading In the most in-depth, comprehensive book available, the bestselling investment writer озуфб demonstrates why he is one of today's foremost authorities Here is the one volume no trader should be without "Jack Schwager has accomplished the rarest of feats in this book He has presented material in a way that both the professional and layman can profit from It is a must read for traders on all levels " — Stanley Druckenmillern Managing Director, Soros Fund Management "Jack Schwager's Technical Analysis is exactly what one should expect from this expert on futures The book is comprehensive, thoroughly insightful, and highly educational I recommend it to the beginner as well as the expert " — Leo Melamed Chairman, Sakura Dellsher, Inc "Jack Schwager possesses a remarkable ability to extract the important elements of complex, market-timing approaches, and distill that into something intelligible and useful Not only is he able to present these ideas cleverly in an easily understood format, but he also demonstrates their application to the markets with clarity and precision " — Thomas R DeMark Author, The New Science of Technical Analysis "Jack Schwager's book, A Complete Guide to the Futures Markets,was one of the best books I have read on futures trading We give a copy of it to all our new analysts Jack's latest work, Technical Analysis, looks like a gold mine of information, adding significantly to the existing investment literature " — Monroe Trout President, Trout Trading Management Co Jack Schwager is one of the most important and visible figures in the futures industry today His Market Wizards and The New Market Wizards are two of the bestselling finance titles of all time Now, in the latest volume in the Schwager on Futures series, Technical Analysis, Schwager has created the most comprehensive guide ever for using technical analysis for futures trading What makes Technical Analysis unique, besides its in-depth coverage, is that it is written from a trader's perspective Schwager doesn't merely cover the subject, he explores what works and doesn't work in the real world of trading Contains a comprehensive guide to chart analysis written with a particular focus on trading applications Includes a separate 200+ page section illustrating the use of chart analysis in the real world Details and illustrates several original trading systems Includes a self-contained primer on cyclical analysis Describes popular oscillators, the pitfalls in their common use, and guidelines to their successful application in trading Explains the concept and use of "continuous futures" and compares 10-year continuous futures charts with conventional nearest futures chartsfor all major U S futures markets Contains a section on trading strategy and philosophy, including over 100 trading tips Hundreds of charts, tables, and examples illustrate key points throughout, while the text is written in the informative, insightful, and nontechnical style that has made Jack Schwager one of the most highly regarded and bestselling investment authors ever This invaluable book by one of the world's foremost authorities is destined to become the premier industry guide ontechnical analysis for many years to come.  ISBN 0471020516.

Accounting Super Review артикул 858e.
Accounting Super Review артикул 858e.

REA's Super Reviews help students brush up on tough subjects They are more thorough than ordinary subject reviews but less complex than voluminous study guides Numerous solved problems accompany the review and bring it to life The Accounting Super Review includes an introduction to accounting, the accounting cycle, adjusting entries, closing озуфг entries, the worksheet, cash, receivables, inventory, property, plants and equipment, and other long-term assets Advanced topics include current liabilities, long-term liabilities, bonds, partnerships, corporations, earnings and dividends, preparation of consolidated financial statements, statement of cash flows, and financial statement analysis Exercises and quizzes enable students to check whether they have learned what they need to know, whether they understand the subject and have command of it.  ISBN 0878911758.

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff About Money (Don't Sweat the Small Stuff (Hyperion)) артикул 860e.
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff About Money (Don't Sweat the Small Stuff (Hyperion)) артикул 860e.

Newly repackaged and updated! This #1 national bestseller offers you practical advice on how to achieve financial success by eliminating stress, worry, anger, and fear In this practical and simple book, Richard Carlson turns his attention to two ofthe most important issues in our daily lives-stress and making money Newly repackaged and updated озуфе with 10 new essays, Don't Sweat the Small Stuff About Money offers 100 brilliant strategies for living more fully and worrying les as a means of attractingmore wealth into our lives.  ISBN 0786886374.

Fedora 5 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Bible (Bible) артикул 862e.
Fedora 5 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Bible (Bible) артикул 862e.

From home desktop to enterprise server, here's all the Linux you need! With Fedora Core 5, you get the latest Linux technology and previews of upcoming Red Hat Enterprise Linux software Run Fedora Core 5 live (no installation required), install it to hard disk when you're ready, and add hundreds of Fedora Extras packages Everything comes on the DVD озуфн and two CDs included with this book Use the latest Linux desktop, server, and systems administration features as you learn skills that scale up to professional, commercial-quality Linux systems Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.  2006 г Мягкая обложка, 1104 стр ISBN 0471754919.

Наука выживания Человек в экстремальных природных условиях Учебное пособие артикул 864e.
Наука выживания Человек в экстремальных природных условиях Учебное пособие артикул 864e.

В учебном пособии рассмотрены актуальные проблемы сохранения жизни, здоровья и работоспособности человека, оказавшегося в результате стихийного бедствия, аварии самолета, озухз гибели судна или по другим причинам в экстремальных условиях автономного существования Автор рассказывает о правилах и способах выживания в различных природно-климатических зонах земного шара - в Арктике и пустыне, тайге и джунглях, в горах и океане, о методах защиты организма от всевозможных неблагоприятных воздействий, о приемах оказания первой медицинской помощи В основу книги легли как собственные наблюдения автора при проведении специальных экспериментов по выживанию, так и анализ примеров различного поведения человека в экстремальных условиях Для школьников и студентов, а также широкого круга читателей: туристов, путешественников, летчиков, космонавтов, моряков Автор Виталий Волович.  Букинистическое издание Сохранность: Хорошая Издательство: Академкнига, 2004 г Твердый переплет, 448 стр ISBN 5-94628-108-9 Тираж: 2000 экз Формат: 70x100/16 (~167x236 мм).

Netlab артикул 866e.
Netlab артикул 866e.

This volume provides students, researchers and application developers with the knowledge and tools to get the most out of using neural networks and related data modelling techniques to solve pattern recognition problems Each chapter covers a group of related pattern recognition techniques and includes a range of examples to show how these techniques озухм can be applied to solve practical problems Features of particular interest include: - A NETLAB toolbox which is freely available- Worked examples, demonstration programs and over 100 graded exercises- Cutting edge research made accessible for the first time in a highly usable form- Comprehensive coverage of visualisation methods, Bayesian techniques for neural networks and Gaussian Processes Although primarily a textbook for teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses in pattern recognition and neural networks, this book will also be of interest to practitioners and researchers who can use the toolbox to develop application solutions and new models " provides a unique collection of many of the most important pattern recognition algorithms With its use of compact and easily modified MATLAB scripts, the book is ideally suited to both teaching and research "Christopher Bishop, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK " a welcome addition to the literature on neural networks and how to train and use them to solve many of the statistical problems that occur in data analysis and data mining" Jack Cowan, Mathematics Department, University of Chicago, US "If you have a pattern recognition problem, you should consider NETLAB; if you use NETLAB you must have this book " Keith Worden, University of Sheffield, UK.  2004 г Мягкая обложка, 438 стр ISBN 1852334401.

Decomposition Methodology For Knowledge Discovery And Data Mining: Theory And Applications (Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence) артикул 868e.
Decomposition Methodology For Knowledge Discovery And Data Mining: Theory And Applications (Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence) артикул 868e.

Data Mining is the science and technology of exploring data in order to discover previously unknown patterns It is a part of the overall process of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) The accessibility and abundance of information today makes data mining a matter of considerable importance and necessity This book provides an introduction озухо to the field with an emphasis on advanced decomposition methods in general data mining tasks and for classification tasks in particular The book presents a complete methodology for decomposing classification problems into smaller and more manageable sub-problems that are solvable by using existing tools The various elements are then joined together to solve the initial problem The benefits of decomposition methodology in data mining include: increased performance (classification accuracy); conceptual simplification of the problem; enhanced feasibility for huge databases; clearer and more comprehensible results; reduced runtime by solving smaller problems and by using parallel/distributed computation; and the opportunity of using different techniques for individual sub-problems.  2005 г Твердый переплет, 323 стр ISBN 9812560793.

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